Congregations in Brooklyn — Brooklyn Zip Code 11216 — Bedford Stuyvesant
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All People's Church of the Apostolic Faith Antioch Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Bedford Temple Salvation Army Corps Bedford-Central Presbyterian Church Bellmount Baptist Church Bethany Baptist Church Bethel United Methodist Church Beulah Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Blessed Assurance Church of God Bright Light COGIC Brooklyn Tabernacle Deliverance Center Central Baptist Church Charity Neighborhood Baptist Church Christ Pentecostal Church Church of the Open Door Community Worship Center Church (Nazarene) Concord Baptist Church of Christ Ebenezer Faith Temple Holy Church Ebenezer United Wesleyan Methodist Church Emmanuel Pentecostal Church Emmanuel Temple Church Epiphany Lutheran Church Faith Baptist Church Faith Deliverance Pentecostal Church of God Faith Worship & Praise Deliverance Tabernacle First AME Zion Church First Corinthian Baptist Church Friendship Baptist Church Fuente de Agua Viva Iglesia de Nazareno Grace and Truth Gospel Temple COGIC Grace Baptist Church Greater Rugged Cross Baptist Church Greater UFW Baptist Church Greater Zion Shiloh Baptist Church Haitian Evangelical Church of Christ Hebron SDA Church Heritage Baptist Church Holy Deliverance Church House of Faith Church House of the Lord Immanuel Pentecostal Faith Church of God Inspirational Baptist Church Jesus Baptist Church of Love Jesus Elam Revival Assembly John Wesley United Methodist Church Judah International Christian Center Little Mt. Zion Baptist Church Long Island Church of God 7th Day Macedonia Church of Christ (Disc) Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Majestic Heights SDA Church Metropolitan Stars Church Ministry of God Consciousness Morning Dew Industrious Baptist Church Morning Star Pentecostal Church Mount Calvary Pentecostal Church of God Mt. Bethel Baptist Church Mt. Hope Pilgrim Spiritual Baptist Church Mt. Joy Baptist Church Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Mt. Pleasant Pentecostal Faith Church Mt. Zion Spiritual Healing Inc. New Castle Baptist Church New Jerusalem Baptist Church New Life Pentecostal Holiness Church New Life Tabernacle COGIC Intl. New Mt. Zion Baptist Church Newman Memorial U. M. Church Overcoming Through Holiness Ministries Parsons Temple Fellowship Church Pentecostal Evangelistic Outreach Center Pilgrim Methodist Church Power of Christ Ministry International Praise Tabernacle Praise Tabernacle of Deliverance Pyramid of Truth Redemption Church of Christ, Bibleway Revelation Church Seven Revelations Spiritual Baptist Church Shekinah Glory Ministries Shiloh Baptist Church Shiloh SDA Church Siloam Presbyterian Church St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church St. Gabriel's COGIC St. George's Episcopal Church St. John's World Tabernacle St. Luke Fire Baptized Holiness Church St. Martin de Porres Roman Catholic Church St. Paul's Church of the Nazarene St. Phillip's Baptist Church Strong Tower of Faith Temple Stuyvesant Heights Christian Church (Disc) Tabernacle Church in Christ Jesus Tender Love Ministries Thank You Jesus Church Total Victory Church Trinity Baptist Church Trinity Pentecostal Deliverance Tabernacle Trinity Zion Pentecostal Church Union United Methodist Church United Pentecostal Faith Church Unity Faith Worship & Praise Tabernacle Victory Temple COGIC Washington Temple COGIC
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