John Wesley United Methodist Church
Brooklyn Council of Churches

Member Congregation |
Address |
260 Quincy Street Brooklyn, NY 11216 |
Year Organized | 1916 |
Police Precinct | 79 |
Telephone | (718) 783-5761 |
FAX | (718) 789-0722 |
e-mail | JohnWesley.UMC@Verizon.NET |
Web Site | |
Senior Clergy | The Rev. Ebenezer Aduku |
Denomination | The United Methodist Church |
Principal Worship Service(s) | English – Sunday 11am (10am) 2ndsunday1pmcomeasyouare |
Membership | 222 |
Sunday School Enrollment | 25 |
Local Ecumenical/Interfaith Org | |
Pre-School Ministries | |
Children/Youth Ministries | Tutoring-Saturday 10-1 Pm Girl Scouts Vacation Bible School Youth Fellowship |
Adult/Family Ministries | Soup Kitchen-Thursday 12:30-2 Immigration Clinic-1 Sat/Month Food Pantry-Tuesday 2-6 Pm Women's Fellowship Young Adults Fellowship Men's Fellowship |
Senior Citizen Ministries | |
This Profile is based on information
Brooklyn Council of Churches
as of
February 8, 2014.
Brooklyn Council of Churches — Directory of Brooklyn Churches |