Links to Christian Communions
from the Brooklyn Council of Churches

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Advent Christian General Conference

African Methodist Episcopal Church

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

Alliance of Baptists

American Baptist Churches in the USA

The Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America

Assemblies of God

Association of Independent Evangelical Lutheran Churches

Association of Unity Churches

Baptist General Conference

The Brethren Church

The Christian and Missionary Alliance

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Christian Church of North America

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Christian Reformed Church in North America

Church of God

Church of the Brethren

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Church of the Nazarene

Church of the United Brethren in Christ

Community of Christ

Congregational Holiness Church

Conservative Baptist Association of America

Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

Conservative Lutheran Association

The Coptic Orthodox Church in North America

Elim Fellowship

The Episcopal Church

Evangelical Congregational Church

Evangelical Free Church of America

Evangelical Friends International—North-America Region

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Evangelical Methodist Church

Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas

First Church of Christ, Scientist

Free Methodist Church of North America

Friends General Conference of the Religious Society of Friends

Friends United Meeting

General Association of Regular Baptists

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Hungarian Reformed Church in America

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

International Council of Community Churches

International Pentecostal Church of Christ

International Pentecostal Holiness Church

Korean American Presbyterian Church

Jehovah’s Witnesses

The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod

Malankara Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America

Mar Thoma Syrian Church

Mennonite World Conference

Missionary Church, Inc.

Moravian Church in America Northern Province and Southern Province

National Baptist Convention of America

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

National Missionary Baptist Convention of America

Old Roman Catholic Church in North America

Orthodox Church in America

Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA

Pentecostal Church of God

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Polish National Catholic Church of America

Presbyterian Church in America

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Primitive Methodist Church USA

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.

Reformed Church in America

Reformed Episcopal Church

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Religious Society of Friends (Conservative)

Roman Catholic Church

The Salvation Army

Serbian Orthodox Church in the USA and Canada

Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Swedenborgian Church

Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America

United Church of Christ

The United Methodist Church

The Wesleyan Church

Worldwide Church of God

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