Congregations in Brooklyn

— Brooklyn Zip Code 11224 —
Coney Island

Beulah Church of Christ
Comforting Church of Christ
Coney Island Cathedral
Coney Island Gospel Assembly
Coney Island SDA Church
Coney Island Tabernacle Apostolic Church of God
Fellowship Baptist Church
Iglesia El Tabernaculo
Iglesia Mission Cristiana San Juan 3: 16
Iglesia Pentecostal de Jesu Cristo
Iglesia Pentecostal La Senda Antigua
Metropolitan Christian Church
Naomi AME Zion Church
Our Lady of Solace Shrine R.C. Church
Philadelphia Wesleyan Church of Coney Island
Philadelphia Wesleyan Church of Coney Island
Prince of Peace Pentecostal Church
St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church of C.I.
Thy Will Be Done Celestial Church of Christ
United Community Baptist Church
Victory International Christian Fellowship
Victory Outreach Center

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2448 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226



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