Congregations in Brooklyn — Brooklyn Zip Code 11221 — Bushwick
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Antioch Baptist Church Behlin Holy Temple COGIC Believer's Mennonite Garifuna Ministries Believers Gateway to Freedom Church Believers Tabernacle of Faith Bethesda Baptist Church Bethesda Church Bridge Street AWME Church Brighter Way Baptist Church Bushwick Avenue Church of God of Prophecy Bushwick United Methodist Church Calvary & Saint Cyprian's Episcopal Church Calvary First Nigerian SDA Church Calvary Spanish Assembly of God Canaan Missionary Baptist Church Canaan Refuge Church of Christ Chapel of Hope Redeemed Christian Church of God Christ Apostolic Church Christ Temple Pentecostal Church Christian Community Baptist Church Church of God Church of God in Christ #13 Church of God in Christ Jesus Community Evangelist Bible Church Cornerstone Baptist Church Crossover Baptist Church Damascus Road Baptist Church Eben Ezer Church of God Ebenezer Christian Center Ebenezer Gospel Tabernacle Eglise Evangelique Du Reveil End Times Pentecostal Church Ephraim Judah International Ministries Epiphany Chapel COGIC Ever Increasing Glories Church Evergreen Baptist Church Everlasting Pentecostal Holiness Church Faith Assembly of God Faithway Church First Calvary Baptist Church Freewill COGIC Friendly Christian Church (Disc) Friendly Missionary Baptist Church Fuente de Oracion Iglesia Pentecostal Glorious Church of God in Christ Good Shepherd UFW Baptist Del Church Gospel Missionary Church Greater Jesus Temple Greater Works Worship Center Haitian Missionary Church of God High Times Deliverance Center Holy Dove COGIC Holy Trinity Baptist Church Holy Trinity Gospel Healing Institute Hope Center Church Iglesia de Cristo Misionera Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal MI Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Rey de Gloria Iglesia de Dios Sol de Justicia Iglesia Hispana Pentecostal Alpha Y Omega Iglesia La Luz del Mundo Iglesia Pentecostal Bethesda Iglesia Pentecostal Casa de Oracion Iglesia Pentecostal Cristo Viene Iglesia Pentecostal de Jesucristo Iglesia Presbyteriana La Trinidad Janes United Methodist Church Jesus House of Prayer Jesus Saves Ministry Lexington Avenue Church of God Little Rock Baptist Church Lovely Hills Baptist Church Manifesting Jesus Ministries Metro Assembly of God Morning Star Highway Church of Christ Mount of Olives SDA Church Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Mt. Holiness Christian Outreach Mt. Sinai Christian Church (Disc) Mt. Sinai Spiritual Church of God Mystery Soul Saving Station Nazarene Baptist Church New Covenant COGIC New Creation Christian Church New Hope Apostolic Church New Hope Church of Christ New Life in Christ Ministries Old Mt. Zion Baptist Church Open Door COGIC Our Lady of Good Counsel R. C. Church Pentecostal Church of God Pentecostal House of Prayer People's Institutional AME Church Pilgrim Assembly Prayer Church Refuge Church of God Richer Life Christian Ministry Rivers in the Desert Community Church Rose of Sharon Church of Christ Rugged Cross Baptist Church Salvation Army Bushwick Corps Sons and Daughters of Zion Church South Bushwick Reformed Church South Road Tabernacle Spanish Church of God, Inc. St. Barbara Roman Catholic Church St. Joseph Patron of the Universal Church (R.C.) St. Leonard's Afro-American Orthodox Church St. Martin of Tours-14 Holy Martyrs R.C. Church St. Mary Church of Christ St. Paul's Church of Christ (Disc) St. Paul's Lutheran Church St. Philip's Christian Church (Disc) St. Stephen's & St. Martin's Episcopal Church Sweet Spirit Baptist Church Timothy Baptist Church Trinity Tabernacle Pent Holiness Church Trinity Temple Baptist Church United Holiness Tabernacle COGIC United Holiness Temple Unity Temple COGIC Universal Baptist Church Upper Room Baptist Church Varick Memorial AME Zion Church Victory in Christ Church Williams Temple COGIC Williamsburg AME Zion Church Zion of Faith Missionary Baptist Church
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