Congregations in Brooklyn

— Brooklyn Zip Code 11206 —
Bedford-Stuyvesant (North)

Action in Christ International Church
All Saints Roman Catholic Church
Alpha Y Omega Pentecostal Church of God
Apostolic Faith Church
Assemblies of Pent Chs of Jesus Christ
Bedford-Stuyvesant Assembly of God
Brooklyn Spanish Church
Brooklyn Temple SDA Church
Central Brooklyn Spanish SDA Church
Church of God
El Lirio de Los Valles
First Mennonite Church
Fountain Christian Center
Gospel Tabernacle Pentecostal Church
Greater Crossroad Baptist Church
Greater Free Gift Baptist Church
Greater St Stephen United Church of God
Hebron Baptist Church
Iglesia Christiana Valle de Jesus
Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal Jehovah Nissi
Iglesia de Cristo La Palabra Hablada
Iglesia de Dios de La Profacio
Iglesia Fuente de Vida
Iglesia Pentecostal El Eden
Iglesia Pentecostal El Redil
Iglesia Pentecostal Rosa de Sharon
Immaculate Conception of the BVM R.C. Church
Little Zion Baptist Church
Living Stone Baptist Church
Love Chapel Christian Outreach
Metro Christian Center New York
Ministerio Cruciendo En Gracia
Mision Asemblea Pentecostal
Most Holy Trinity & St. Mary R.C. Church
Mt. Calvary Fire Baptized Holiness Church
Mt. Olive Temple of Deliverance Ministries
Mt. People's Church of the Apostolic Faith
Mt. Zion Church of Christ (Disc)
Mt. Zion Pentecostal Holy Church
New Testament Church of God
One Accord Church of God of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Our Lady of Montserrate-St. Ambrose RC Church
Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei RC Church
Pentecostal Church Cruzada De La Fe
Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ
Pentecostal Church of the Ministry
Primera Iglesia Gethsemane
Solid Rock Baptist Church
Spanish Gospel Assembly
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist Lutheran Church
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Universal Temple
Victory Outreach Brooklyn
Zion Tabernacle Holiness Church

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2448 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226



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