Congregations in Brooklyn

— Brooklyn Zip Code 11205 —
Clinton Hill

Bethesda Pentecostal Tabernacle
Bishop Memorial Mission
Charity Baptist Church of Christ
Emmanu-El in Zion Temple COGIC
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Enlighten COGIC
Exousia Ministry Fellowship
Fellowship Temple AME Church
Fort Greene Church of God
French Speaking Baptist Church
Glorious Temple COGIC
I Am the Way Church of the Living God
Iglesia Juan 3:16 de Brooklyn
Ileri Oluwa Celestial Church of Christ
Institutional COGIC Intl.
Kyriakon Fellowship Ministries, Inc.
Love Temple COGIC Intl.
Mt. Zion Congregation Church
Pentecostal House of Prayer
Pisidia Antioch Apostolic Church
Queen of All Saints R.C. Church
Refuge Temple
Rehoboth Gospel Assembly World Wide
Revelation COGIC
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
Spanish United Pentecostal Church
St. Lucy - St. Patrick R.C. Church
St. Lucy's Old Roman Catholic Church
St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
St. Michael Arch. & St. Edward Conf R.C.
Trinity Apostolic Church
Universal Outreach Ministry of Deliverance
What Shall I Render Ministries
Worship Church of God Ministries
Zion Shiloh Baptist Church

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2448 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11226



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