Grace Episcopal Church
Address |
254 Hicks Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 |
Year Organized | 1847 |
Police Precinct | 84 |
Telephone | (718) 624-1850 |
FAX | (718) 624-4676 |
e-mail | |
Web Site | |
Senior Clergy | The Rev. Stephen D. Muncie |
Retired Clergy / Emeritus | The Rev. F. Goldthwaite Sherrill |
Associate Clergy | The Rev. Stephen D. Paulikas The Rev. Sonia E. Waters |
Denomination | The Episcopal Church |
Principal Worship Service(s) | English – Sunday 8:30 Am Sunday 10:30 Am |
Membership | 780 |
Sunday School Enrollment | 100 |
Local Ecumenical/Interfaith Org | Brooklyn Heights Clergy Association |
Pre-School Ministries | Nursery School Grace Church School (2-K) |
Children/Youth Ministries | After School Program Youth Fellowship |
Adult/Family Ministries | Couples' Fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous Divored/Widowed Fellowship Homeless Shelter |
Senior Citizen Ministries | |
This Profile is based on information
Brooklyn Council of Churches
as of
February 8, 2014.
Brooklyn Council of Churches — Directory of Brooklyn Churches |